One of the biggest misconceptions of the “green revolution” is the idea that is costs more to actually “be green” than is necessarily true. What is in fact true is that while saving the environment, you can actually save money too. Generally being a student means being on a tight budget so I personally try to save money wherever I can. Being able to save money and save the environment is just a plus.
1) Bring your own shopping bags: Bringing your own reusable shopping bags to the grocery store is an extremely easy way to be green and save some cash. Most places will give you a small discount for each bag you use. For example Whole Foods gives their shoppers a five-cent discount for each shopping bag used. This may not seem like a lot but if you shop weekly, it really adds up.
2) Buy local: By buying local and eating what’s in season, consumers get fresher produce while supporting small farmers. The transportation of the goods is cut down which means more money in your pocket
3) Walk Wherever You Can: With gas prices constantly fluctuating, filling up your car weekly can set you back big bucks. If possible, walk or bike to work, the gym, grocery store etc. You can pick and choose which places are more convenient to have a car, but biking or walking doesn’t just save you money and the ozone layer but it also keeps you fit.
4) Ditch the plastic water bottle: I recently read that last year Congress spent $400,000 on water bottles! This is an easy fix. By buying a water filter than fits in the fridge, you can cross off buying plastic water bottles off the grocery list. An average water filter costs between $10-$15 and can be found just about anywhere. Fill up your stainless steel or BPA free reusable water bottle and never use a plastic water bottle again.
5) Save Energy, Save Money: Setting the thermostat a little cooler in the winter and keeping it set a few degrees higher in the summer can help save money on your utility bill. You might be able to rationalize the temperature differences when you see the savings on your next bill.
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