Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Moving Out

Relocating to a new area can be anxiety-ridden whether you are moving to the next town over or across the country. Choosing to go to graduate school also meant that I would chose a new place to live, new friends and a new culture. All these new options, although thrilling, also can bring about many unforeseen headaches. Where are the best places to live? Work? Transportation? And why can't I buy liquor in this state with an out of state license? Etc. Etc.

In short, I moved to Boston from Boise, Idaho (kind of like a reversed Footloose experience). I often times reflect upon my experiences relocating during undergrad and now graduate school and how different those experiences were. It's amazing the growth that takes place from being an undergrad and now a graduate student. Looking back, I realized that the "experience" of undergrad was what was really important to me and the curriculum, although important, was not my top priority. Graduate school has proved to be less about the "experience" of college and more about the education. I rarely hear of graduate students transferring to other grad program, whereas in undergrad, you are in the minority if you haven't transferred schools at least once (I would know, I transferred twice).
With any change, comes discomfort and I tried my best in moving to Boston to minimize that discomfort. I think a lot of times, homesickness (even in grad school with big kids) is actually pretty common. I have learned that discomfort comes with change, such as relocating to a new place but overcoming the discomfort is something that I am personally proud of. Being able to successfully relocate is not only relevant right now, but prepares students for future chances of job relocations. Being able to conquer that now, means less discomfort in the future.

Change is not my favorite thing. But I know it's the best for me and know it will make me a more interesting and adaptable person. I like to compare change to working out. I hate the process, but I love how I feel afterwards.

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