If you are like most grad students, the concept of free time is almost, if not completely, foreign. Working/interning, going to class, doing homework and trying to have a social life all at the same time can be tough. When you have so many things to accomplish in what seems like an impossible time frame, it's important to have a plan of attack before attempting to kick that homework's butt and still manage other responsibilities.
1. Breathe. This will stop your mind from panicking and going into one of those "Ohmygodhowcanipossiblygetthisalldone" tailspins that will only waste the precious time you have to accomplish your work. I learned one of the best ways to draw in deep, relaxing breaths from a yoga class: Close one of your nostrils with your thumb while breathing slowly in the other nostril and out through your mouth. Alternate breathing through each nostril while shutting your eyes and focusing completely on each breath. Repeat until you feel calmer and ready to get down to business.
2. Prioritize tasks in order of importance. If you have multiple assignments due on the same day, decide whether you want to tackle the hardest, most time-consuming work or the simplest, quickest tasks first. Once you know where to get started, it's much easier to buckle down and plow through your homework. Also make sure you look over each class' syllabus so you don't miss any upcoming deadlines.
3. Put off things that can wait. Sacrifice is a large part of being a successful graduate student. Maybe this means that you can't watch the new episode of your favorite tv show when it airs or hang out with your friends. Maybe this means that you won't always keep on top of the growing pile of dirty laundry or maintain a spotlessly clean apartment. Don't worry, all those non-school related tasks and fun activities will still be there when you are finished with your homework.
4. Set aside enough time to get it all done. Do not procrastinate. I repeat, DO NOT procrastinate!!!
5. Plan breaks and reward yourself at the end! The sense of accomplishment and pride you will feel after you have completed your homework is one of the best parts of being a grad student.
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